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Improving Tracking on the HP Reverb G1/ G2

HP Reverb and its successor the Reverb G2 are Windows Mixed Reality (WMR) headsets and like most WMR headsets, they use inside-out tracking. This means that cameras on-board the headset track your position in 3D space. In addition to the cameras, there are also gyros that track your orientation (like mobile phones do), but can’t provide perfect full 6dof tracking. …

Remove What’s New Shelf from Steam Library (2025)

If you dislike the What’s New Shelf on Steam, this is how you disable it. This is working as of the latest patch. Step 1: Go to \Steam\steamui\css and open file sp.css in Notepad or better yet Notepad++ Edit: As of 2025, this file has been changed to \Steam\steamui\chunk~2dcc5aaf7.css Step 2: Find the first instance of the phrase “17uEB” without …